Tertiary Worms (Used for this New Guide - GuideWorms - Potatoe - Fries - Chips - Tater Salad - Spudnik - Inane Saying Guessed it? Irish Voice! Trophy Flag Pyramid Grave Super Sheep Even though I have not seen other sites (or people, rather) stealing my material, I would like to point out that these are the only sites I have contributed to: IGN.com (and I assume its many affiliates, like GameSpy and GameStats) If you see my guide on any of the sites below (or any site not listed above), please Contact me immediately! ********** Controls ********** □ Square Button - Jump (Press twice to do a Back-flip, Press twice and push forward to do a Front-flip) X Cross/X Button - Fire/Select/Speed up crate drop (Press X when a crate is parachuted in to make it drop down) O Circle Button - Weapon Select Δ Triangle Button - Drop (during Ninja Rope/Jet Pack)/Cancel/Exit Girder construction mode. Darkside - Mastermind - Brainiac - MadScientist - Minion - Thug Super Villain Voice Blue Symbol Flag Tower Grave H.H.G. In case you were wondering, these are the information on my Worms: - Main Worms (1st Time Through) - Kamikazes - Bird Bait - Pesticide - Silk - Boom Boom - General Pink - Snickers Scottish Voice Grenade Flag Pyramid Grave H.H.G - Secondary Worms (Used for Original Guide) - Annihilators - Dr. *Note: To help you find your way through the guide, you can use the key combination of 'Ctrl + F' to help you find specific areas. Anyway, this guide is here to help you out in the World of Worms 3D.

I forgot to put any type of back-up for it and it was erased forever. I finished most of it when my computer needed to be "restored". Believe it or not, this is my second time writing this guide.
#Worms 3d mission 1 series#
Worms 3D is the first game in the WormsTM series that is fully three-dimensional. 0.0 (5/27/05) - Started Guide, Finished four sections (Versions, Intro, Starting Off, and Armory). 0.1 (5/28/05) - Added and finished Unlockables section. Started Walkthrough and finished it up to All Cooped Up. Added some more info to the Introduction section.

0.2 (5/29/05) - Added and finished Controls section. 0.3 (5/30/05) - Didn't have much time for this guide today, but finished the Walkthrough up to Hold Until Relieved. 0.4 (5/31/05) - Finished the Walkthrough section. 0.4.1 (5/31/05) - Fixed the text so it won't appear so crazy on the web page. 0.5 (6/1/05) - Added and finished Multiplayer section. I also added a Random Map that I forgot to add before. 0.5.1 (6/1/05) - Fixed errors and fixed text again so it won't appear so crazy on the web page.